
Prizes and Toesday

Last week there was a strange package on our front steps. It was a super windy day so I was worried it might blow away before my LL came home. It almost did! It came all the way from Ruis in the Netherlands! It was my prize for donating to the Cat Blogosphere last month that Opus and Roscoe sponsored. Inside were the cool (the LL promises me she will frame them) cat post cards! Oh, and toys for me and chocolates in the shape of mice! The LL tried to understand the packaging but apparently after beans leave collij they forget everything, especially foreign languages. I won't torture you with the sounds she made trying to figure out the French (she took French "One"....THREE times because she'd get an "A"). Needless to say she stopped trying.

Oh and it is Toesday, don't forget my tiny fawn colored toes!


Lux said...

Those are perfect precious tiny fawn colored toes, Kaze!!! :)

The Meezers or Billy said...

those is cute toes! and great gifties!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What wonderful gifts!

Of course you have lovely toes.

The Furry Kids said...

Cool toys!
I like how your toesies match the blankie. Very chic!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Kaze, you have beautiful toes! As you said, I think we must be long-lost siblings, because I am very much like you! I have started stealing stuff from the garbage too. *grin*


Daisy said...

Those are some great presents! Kaze, I think you got cute toesies.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

What wonderful prizes!!!! Your toes are cute!

The Crew said...

Kaze, your toes are lovely dear.


Chrissie said...

That was so nice of Ruis to send you such great prizes! And you do have very cute little toes!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

What great prizes! I think you have precious toes! Oh and your momma's chocolate box says Little Mice in big letters on the label and the words are "A dozen little mice to eat gladly". In four languages that was neat! ~Queen Snickers

Sunny's Mommy said...

Those are great prizes :-D Chocolate mousies sound very yummy.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why I missed this post, Kaze. I think it's safe to say that it's my typist fault!! But I am glad the package wasn't blown away and you liked it! :-)

Did the LL also tried to speak Dutch? Hahahaha.

Headbutts & Purrs,