
Frootbat Friday & Meme

Yao-lin tagged me for the 3 Things that are new with you.

1. I spend every possible waking moment I am around the Tall Man begging him to play with me. He has started to really enjoy playing with me and every night he plays with a wand toy with me and the Whirly-Bird with Latte. This has made me really really talkative and loving of my Tall Man. Once he gets up from the couch for any purpose I assume he's playing with me and scream at the toy closet.

2. The Tall Man is tempting me with wrappers. He thinks its funny to tempt me with things he knows I want but I am Not Allowed to have. Its really not very nice of him as my heart starts racing when I see a wrapper that I know would crinkle so nicely in my mouth and with a little bat of my paw.

3. My Lap Lady stepped on my tail and pulled a tuft of black fur out! I was sooooo upset with her I wouldn't let her catch me to apologize. I know it was an accident but it was a large tuft of fur! And my tail is small!


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I really like this picture of you, even though you look a little peeved.

I am glad the Tall Man is playing lots with you. And I am sorry the LL stepped on your tail. You played it right not letting her catch you to apologize.

Artsy Catsy said...

Beautiful picture, Kaze! My mom stepped on my tail today, too! But I always take advantage of such an opportunity and look very wounded so she drops whatever she's doing to cuddle and console me.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Mebe ya could stand a day away from the Beins? The wrapper tease and the tail steppin, ya know?

The Meezers or Billy said...

what a gorgeous pikshur! sorry about your tail - beans need to learn to control their feets.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dem beans gots dem big ole feets dat dey dont haf good control over. Yoor piksher is really nice, we think yoo haf purrty eyes.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Kaze, you are beautiful as always! We are sorry to hear that you lost a bit of fur on your tail. We've had our tails stepped on accidentally, but of course we have no fur to lose. We sure screech loud when it happens, though!

It is good that the Tall Man is playing so much with you. :) We both LOVE the Whirlybird. :)

Titus said...

You look absolutely gorgeous, my froot batty friend. I'm sorry to hear about your tail furs. That is super rude.

Anonymous said...

Kaze, you are so beautiful! Look at that face!

We know your Mom didn't mean to step on your tail. Our Mom has done that a time or two and she always feels so bad afterwards. And then gives us lots of snuggles.

Scout said...

I am sorry the LL stepped on your beautiful tail…. She did not do it on purpose because she loves her Kaze kitty. You need to let her apologize. You also need to let her know it better not happen again!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am so sorry to hear about your tail Kaze.

I was so upset about Chase attacking Latte that I forgot to tell your person that I am glad she is beginning to get a bit better.

Chrissie said...

I'm sorry about your LL stepping on your tale, but I'm sure she didn't mean to-but that TM is torchering you with those crinkly wrappers!

jenianddean said...

OH I hate to lose a tail tuft!

And on the subject of wrappers - mom and dad had a bowl of candy kisses around for Christmas, and every time someone would open one, Maggie would come tearing into the family room. She would give mom or dad that look like "please let me play with it, please, pleeeeeaaaassseee....I promise not to eat. Come on!!" (some times she would break them.)

Thanks for the great meme!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Ow poor tail, my momma has done that a few times but the worst was when she was watching a football game. Usually she does not get that hyper about them but it THE UT playoff game. She was standing up and then jumped when they made a touchdown and landed on my tail (with tennis shoes on!) There was a huge chunk of fur left under her shoe, she felt really bad. ~Queen Snickers

Daisy said...

Tails are very sensitive! I hope it is not too hurty.

The Cat Realm said...

Outch - stepping on tails - they do this, those humans - just don't pay attention were they step when they KNOW there are cat tails lying around....
You seem to have a very two-sided tall man! Playing and tempting, uhuh!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I'm glad you have one good thing to report that's new with you. Poor Kaze, the other two are not that great :(

Black Cat said...

Why can't you have wrappers? Do you swallow them? William, and Ollie before him, liked us to throw screwed up paper for them and they would retrieve them, bring them back and deposit them on a human foot with a request that they be thrown again:) Poor tail, I hope it's not hurty now. Poor LL must have felt really bad about it. Love that photo, your eyes are HUGE:) xxx

Boy said...

Oh dear! A whole tuft of fur fwom your tail? That must have hurt! But I guess she felt worse when you wefuse to wet her apowogize. I hope she's forgiven now.

The Furry Fighter said...

that is such a wonderful picture of you Kaze!

Is your tail all better now? did Latte or Chae lick it btter for you? Castle always comforts me when I am hurt i.e. after he has bitten me!

Lux said...

Cool picture - I *love those ears!!! :)

Kisses to your tail ...