

My Lap Lady has been rude to me with her lap. She pushes me aside when Latte is in her lap and I bite him for lap space. I know he's my brother and I love him lots but when he's sick I just don't know what to do for him so I kind of leave him alone.

In Kaze news (which I know you all want or you wouldn't come here) I have been meezing up a storm!!! Sure the cell phone now meezes my meeze but my Tall Man has been playing with me so much that now any time he gets up of the couch I run to the toy closet and yell. LOUDLY!! The Tall Man and I have really been bonding a lot. He's fun but he's not my Lap lady.


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Give your Lap Lady and Latte a little break right now. They are both feeling poorly.

That is cool that you and the Awesom Man are bonding!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You have lovely toes Kaze and I see you are keeping them clean.

I shall have to whap you if you are not being nice to Latte!

The Meezers or Billy said...

yay! bonding with the awsome man is great!

Kaz's Cats said...

Cute toes - and so clean too!


Gypsy & Tasha

Sunny's Mommy said...

No biting Latte for now. You'll have to wait until he gets better.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

We are glad to hear that you and the Tall Man are bonding, Kaze. We are purring and praying for Latte.

The Furry Kids said...

Cute toesies!
I'm sorry that you're not getting enough lap time, but it sounds like the Tall Man is trying to help out.

It's very cool that the phone meezes. I wish I could hear it. I'm not sure what a meeze sounds like. hee hee


Tybalt said...

Very cute toes, Kaze! I am glad you and the Tall Man are doing some bonding. Hopefully both Latte and the LL will feel better soon, and things can go back to normal. I am purring very hard for them both!

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Oh there just isn't enough lap space to go around. But as the woman always tells us, "there's enough love for everybody!"

You should post an audio clip of what "meezing up a storm" sounds like!!

love, Pearl

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Cats are wise and choose their favorite person. You have found the disadvantage of 3 cats and only 2 beans. I don't do laps, but there's usually room for a cat next to a seated bean. I lie on the arm rest.

Daisy said...

Are you sniffing your toes? Don't they smell good?

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Me did not realize you had stripy legs! Me likes! ~Empress

Chrissie said...

It'll all even out, Kaze..but do take advantage of this extra TM time while you can..you never know what you might get out of it!

Scout said...

Your pedicure is loverly!

Come see me, I gave you an award!


4 Boys and a Lady said...

We bet the cell phone meezing sounds really cute! We're glad you've been bonding with the Tall Man.

Purrs to your Lap Lady again,
Nermal, Nico, Virgil, & Maggie

PB 'n J said...

Those are lovely long toes!

It's a good thing t love the Tall Man too, and your Lap Lady will be back, just let her deal with Latte for a bit.

Unknown said...

Poor Kaze! You have to be patient with your Mum and Latte right now. Soon Latte will feel better and then you can have your Mum's lap back.

I am purring that Latte gets good news about his blood tests.