My new favorite toy!
I absolutely LOVE my fishy crinkle creature!!! The best part about it is that its big enough so it doesn't get misplaced under furniture. Not that I would misplace it but you know maybe Latte or Chase or the Lap Lady might misplace it or something.
I can toss it in the air, I can play fetch with it, I can drop it in the water bowl so the colors bleed all over the Lap Lady's hands. Duh, its a FISH, I wanted to put it back in water! Humans make no sense. I love my fishy crinkler!!!!
OK, I'll admit...its misplaced already.
It sounds like a great toy! I hope you find it soon!
That wooks wike a weawwy gweat toy! I'm sure it totawwy wasn't your fault it was mispwaced.
I am so glad that you have a great new toy~!
I think you always need new exciting toy~! Your human is very good and understanding you~!
aww we hope you find your krinkly fish Kaze
Yoo didn't misplace it kaze, yoo just hid it reel gud! Nice job!
I puts all my favorite toys in the water. They needed to be cleaned and I know that my water dish is very clean 'cause Momma keeps it that way.
I hope you find it again dear Kaze coz it looks lots of fun:) xxx
kaze kaze,
please tell me why cats always lose their toys!!! the cats in my house have this problem too!!!
is it a ploy to make the humans buy MORE toys for you cats??
p.s. i'm gonna start losing my toys too!
Kaze, I bet it is not really lost, but someone else moved it while you were napping. Yep, that’s gotta be it. Couldn’t possibly be your fault!
Hope you fine your fishy crinkler soon!
That looks and sounds like a great toy, Kaze! :) Fun! :) I hope you find it again!
We need to put out an All Toys Bulletin for your fishy crinkle creature-All Hands On Deck!
Oh no!! Have you checked all the shoes in your house? I'm sure your mom has some really tall riding boots that would be a great hiding place for toys. Dad often finds toys in his work shoes. We just want him to have fun at work.
I hope crinkle fish comes home soon!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Cool toy!
Congrats on the valentine!
Uh oh . . . you lost is already? I hope you find it soon!
Toys that crinkle and crackle are the very best kind of all!
I think it is very sweet that cute little Pollux is your Valentine friend.
That toy looks great! I bet my cousin Kirara would like it. I'll have personal shopper keep an eye out for one. ~Queen Snickers
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