
Miracle Monday

Can you believe it??? Chase is LETTING me snuggle with him. He even let me rest my head on his body without flinching. Chase usually gets up and moves the instant I try to snuggle with him so these opportunities are rare. It lasted long enough for the LL to go downstairs and get her flashy box. OK, so I did get up before she came back but she pushed me over and I snuggled with him again- just not as close as before. The LL doesn't ever pose us but she really wanted to catch this miracle so I could share with my friends.


Anonymous said...


Honey P. Sunshine said...

chase's butt makes a nice pillow!

Black Cat said...

A lovely big soft squishy pillow. A miracle indeed! It's lovely to see you two snuggling for a change:) xxx

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, Kaze! That's incredible! Snuggling is the best - it's too bad that Chase doesn't normally let you snuggle with him.

Anonymous said...

Maybe now that Chase has discovered the virtues of sunggling he will snuggle more often. He just needs to embrace his inner snuggly-ness.

Chrissie said...

Cool! I can see Chase's ear back there, looks like he's got an opinion about what's going on there.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That was nice of Chase to let you snuggle for a bit. I know you liek to play with him, but maybe if you didn't always attack him, he would let you snuggle more often.

The Meezers or Billy said...

that's great Kaze!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is so wonderful Kaze. I think I have been talking some sense into him. Perhaps he is nervous that I will send Ranger after him?

Daisy said...

Better late than never! Maybe this is the start of a new, softer Chase!

The Furry Kids said...

You guys look pretty cute there!


Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

My sister and I are getting closer to snuggling, we even the beanbag pillow this weekend. Maybe Chase will let you snuggle more in time.

Mickey's Musings said...

Heeheehee! My sisfurs do not get along.Mom gets excited too when they are sitting close to each other!
Purrs Mickey

jenianddean said...

There must have been something in the air this weekend...I let Maggie snuggle with me! I hardly ever let that happen. She even walked across my face to get snuggled in, and I didn't whap her or anything.

That's a great picture of you and Chase.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat

PB 'n J said...

That's cool Kaze, even cooler that Chase hung out long enough for the LL to go get the flashy box and come back (if we're doing something cute we never hang out long enough for Mommy to come back! heh heh).

SophieKitty said...

Even sometimes grumpy kitties need snugglies!

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is a miracle!

I heard Chase didn't like it though.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Snuggles are snuggles, efen if they are re-done after the first great time! It counts... :)

Lux said...

That's great, Kaze! I'll bet he's warm ...