
Frootbat Friday

I don't understand why my LL is still sick. I mean, that big CAT scanned her but it must not have been very helpful because it didn't spit out the results in time for her doctor's appointment. Plus those rats who live in labs didn't give up their results either. So the LL is no better and still has no idea what is wrong with her.

I am so sorry I haven't been around visiting friends. I'm yelling at the top of my lungs at the Lap Lady but she's either really super duper busy at the day hunting place or passed out at home. Our whole lives have really been overturned this week so we're just all trying to adjust.

I guess I can wait for play time. Well not really but I'll try.


Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Kaze! I am so sorry your Mom feels bad :(
Work must take all her energy so all she can do at home is sleep.At least you can snuggle with her :)
Sorry about your playtime though.
Purrs Mickey

Just Ducky said...

The weekend is coming, maybe they can play then.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Awww Kaze...I am sure you will get plenty of play time when everyone feels better and things at day hunting place calm down a bit.

The Meezers or Billy said...

awwww Kaze, maybe this weekend will be better

Victor Tabbycat said...

I'll play wif you, Kaze! It's hard to play Thundering Herd of Elephants when Bonnie won't play - who efur heard of a 1-cat herd?

Dad's got skool Mon thru Wed nites, Mom an the Boy wented out agin Tues, an I heard they's goin sumwhere dis weekend! They's kneeglectin my blog!

Purrs fur all yous.
PS Check unner the stove fur lost toys.

Victor Tabbycat said...


The Furry Kids said...

Kaze, you look a little sad. I'd play with you if you promise not to whap me with your claws or put the bitey on me.
I hope the weekend is better for you.

Your frooty friend,

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

We are so sorry to hear that the Lap Lady is still sick. :( We are sending our strongest healing purrs her way. We hope she finds out what's wrong soon, so she can get well.

You are looking beautiful as always, Kaze. We will teleport over to play with you!

Chrissie said...

I'm very sorry that your LL is still feeling unwell, that CAT needs to give up the goods and maybe we need to round up a posse after those rats-this just cannot go on! You're very patient, Kaze and I know she loves you for it.

Scout said...

I am sorry your Lap Lady is sick. It is hard when the beans are sick. I try to help Mommy when she is and she usually pets me, but mostly she just wants to sleep so I get no attention!!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Kaze, I am beginning to feel sorry enough for you that I think you should come here and play with my feather toy. This is not something I offer lightly...

Daisy said...

Waiting for test results must be very, very hard!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We are so sorry that your LL is still feeling bad. We will purr and purr that she gets better soon!

Tybalt said...

Hang in there, Kaze! I am purring like mad for your LL to be better soon.

How horrible that the CAT didn't do a good job.

Skeezix the Cat said...

We're sending millyuns of purrs yer lap lady's way!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We're finking of yer LL and sending her purrrs.

Motor Home Cats said...

We are so sorry your LL still doesn't feel well and doesn't know what is wrong. We hope you get some play time this weekend.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Boy said...

Wots of purrs for your Wap Wady to be well vewy soon!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh I am so sorry your mommy is sick! Take good care of her and watch our team the Pats kick some butt tomorrow! This is a rough month for you all so far...all my love to you and to Latte my best wishes for a complete recovery.
Love Miss Peach

Hot(M)BC said...

It's hard to be patient Kaze. We're purring for your Mom to feel better fast.
your bud Pepi

The Furry Fighter said...

sending your Mum lots of love and purrs!
have you heard bout Caeser? such a sad sad weekend :(