
Frootbat Friday

My Lap Lady is broken I think I need a new one. She's apparently "too tired" to stay up and help me blog and she's "too busy" to come home at a reasonable time. I think she has a case of the "TOO's". Everything is over the top and she's acting like her life is *gasp* more difficult than mine?! I mean, I have sleeping and playing and stealing and running around and eating to do in a day. She sits at a desk or on the couch....yeah. Anyone know of a cure?


PB 'n J said...

Yep - our mommy gets a case of the "toos" ever now and then. Just show her those super frootbat ears and she'll be dying to play with you.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

It seems most humans get that from time to time! Hang in there! It should improve with a bit of time!

Skeezix the Cat said...

The FL has the same dizeeze as yer ladey. She sez she's "reecuvering" frum Krissmiss. Like making one peepul meel is such a big deel. Sheesh. Hey, whut kinda help do yoo need with yer hollyday collar? Yer red and green one was vary byootiful!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think it is horrible that she is taking advantage of you like that Kaze. You must put her in her place!

The Furry Kids said...

The Mom has the same problem. Grrrr.


Chance said...

Wen Mom gets that problem, I usually do something not soo nice to get her butt moving. Like yesterday she said she just wanted to come home from work and "veg out" on the couch. Well I fixed her good and had an "accident" all over the floor. That will teach her stop paying attention to us.


It waz reawy gwoss. I almos dye frum da smell. Shadow is yucky and stoopid.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a beautiful photo of you, Kaze! :) Sorry we can't help you with your Lap Lady's "too's".

The Meezers or Billy said...

we would go wif whapping her.

Isis said...

Oh our Mummy was broken over KissMouse too, I'z fink it haded something to do with all the cleaning she did before Dad's Mum visited... Well that and lotsa chocolate cake! ;) She went to the fizzy-o today and says she's feeling less broken now... So you'z just gotta get your Momma a fizzy-o and she'll get all mended! :)

Daisy said...

Kaze, I'll bet things will get better after the holidays are over!

Black Cat said...

I think most beans have a touch of the Toos over Chrissymouse and New Year. I hope to have some photos up on my bloggie soon to show how "too" I was! Happy New Year:) xxx

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sheesh, are all beans like dis? Mom and dad ran around cleaning and cooking and doing weerd stuff and den a bunch of other beans came over and messed everything up and now mom is cleaning AGAIN! What about us, don't dey unnerstand dat da kitties is da most importint thing in da house!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I don't know of a cure. Maybe she won't be "too" whatever this weekend. I hope so, for your sake. You do look a little neglected :-( Poor Kaze.

Motor Home Cats said...

You look so patient and cute sitting there - we can't understand why noone would want to play with you.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Hmm,. I don't know if it will cure her, but a short sharp claw might do the trick!

I am honoured and touched that you guys enjoyed my entries in the We are the kitties book!

I am glad the tales of my misery gave some merriment to your humans.

he he xx

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Ummm, the "TOO's" must be endemic. My SS gets it too. Perhaps it will go away like the 'flu. However, if you find a cure, please let me know, I can certainly benefit from it.

Thanks for coming by and leaving your pawprint and comment. Whenever I come, I am always confused as to which blog I should write on.

The Furry Fighter said...

hiya Kaze - yeah mine has that illness too. i almost called the Cat's Protection League yesterday to report her and get myself a new home. but then she finaly helped me blog so she is on a last chance :)
\have a great Birthday on New Year's Day - and all the best for the New Year to you and your family xxx

Boy said...

Sigh...beans just don't understand how difficult it is for us kitties do they?

The Cat Realm said...

I'd give it a few more days - it seems a lot of beans get a bit crazy this time of the year! Fortunately my staff doesn't seem to be inflicted - but they say they "don't do the holidays" - whatever that means...
Have a wonderful New Year!!!!
Your friends from The Cat Realm

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yep we been having the same problems wiv our Beans.

Lux said...

I'm in the same boat, sort of. Dad's laptop kept crashing so he's having to get it replaced and that means he's using MY computer again. :-/

That's a great picture of you, Kaze.