
Frootbat Friday

I've been thinking about the Tall Man a lot lately. How I really love him when he's sitting down or lying down but if he's standing up I'm askeered of him. I like riding on his shoulders, I love when he pets me, and I love snuggling with him. But if he stands up I get really nervous. Last night I was terrified that he was going to hurt me and I ran around the bed yelling because I was afraid. But the instant he sat down I ran into his lap and purred.

I am pretty sure its aliens invading his body when he stands up! I mean, he only uses the rug sucking monster when he's standing. AND he's the only one who uses that vishus rug eating thing.

What do you think I should do about this? I mean, do you think I'm in danger when he's standing? I'm pretty sure Latte & Chase aren't worried but boys can be dumb.


Honey P. Sunshine said...

just stay in his lap so he can nefer stand up

Anonymous said...

It must be the aliens. I agree with Honey. Stay in his lap and he can't get up.

Just Ducky said...

I think all beans are scary when they stand up. That makes them so much bigger than us.

The Meezers or Billy said...

make him crawl when he's at home.

Mickey's Musings said...

Maybe you think he's gonna walk on you when he stands up!
I like the Meezer's idea!! hahahahahaha!!!!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

The meezers idea is good.

This photo of you is very beautiful, Kaze!!! You are such a pretty girl~!

Have a great weekend.

The Furry Kids said...

Hmmm. I don't blame you. I think tall people would be askeery. We only have short people at our house. :)
It sounds like he's pretty cool, except for the tall part. And the rug sucking monster operating part. I'd maybe check with LL. She's known him the longest, right? I don't think she'd steer you wrong.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Another lovely photo of you, Kaze. I'm just a "dumb boy" myself, but I think you are safe when the Tall Man is standing, unless he doesn't see you, and trips over you.

jenianddean said...

Our dad had big feet and those sometimes scare us. Huggy Bear freaked out just last night because of his giant feet. Maybe that's the reason you are scairt of him.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You know, I am like that too. I don't like the male when he walks around. He laughs at me that when he stands by me I always run.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Girls are very cautious and this is a valid worry. I think you should continue to investigate his activity. When he sits, continue to love him and sit with him though. Soon he will learn to stop standing.

Purrrs, Princess

Catzee said...

I fink its aliens too. Jus' don't let him stand up.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

My daddy standings up askeers me too! Hes SOOOO big! He's overs a foots taller then mommy! Men beans all askeers me, but daddy is sum time ok when hes sittin on da ground. Maybe all daddy's should walk on 4 paws likes us! ~Empress
p.s. Sometimes daddy goes grrrrr and chases sister! but me think she likes it! weird?

Daisy said...

Kaze, I am almost certain that you will always be safe around the Tall Man!

Scout said...

I would not budge off of his lap to keep him smaller and to keep the aliens out of him. Stay there, purr and look cute. Nevermind, you already are all of those things!


Tybalt said...

I'm sure the Tall Man would never hurt you, Kaze!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Maybe he scares yoo cuz when he stands up he is so much bigger den yoo! We'z afraid of dad's feets when he wears his big work shoes. He tries to amember to take dem off when he comes in da house. Yeah, maybe he should crawl effurywhere.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I bet you are purrty safe. The Lap Lady would beat him if he ever hurt you!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I don't think you're in danger. You should try to trust him. He seems to be a very good Tall Man.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Sometime when Mommakitty senses we are scared of her, she gits on her hands and knees, down to our level, then it's not so scary. This is often da furst thing she does when she enters da house cuz Sabi is scared of EVERYTHING!

Da tall man needs to learn to stoop...um, gti down to yer level.

Lux said...

Hmmm, do you think that possibly the Tall Man could walk bending over? Would he be less scary that way?

Or maybe he could just get down on his knees when he comes into the house ... ?

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

I hear ya, Kaze. Can you believe that I'm even afraid of the woman when she's standing up???

Personally I think it's best to be cautious -- even though I doubt that they want to hurt us. Yet... still...

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Now I'm worried too! I'm scared of my daddy-giant when he stands up too! I love snuggling with him on the bed and on the couch and on the desk, but when he stands I up I just want to run away! AND he's the one who makes the toy-sucker-upper suck up toys Jack furs-art! Even Jack doesn't want to get near him when he's standing.

Maybe boy-humans have aliens in their brains!!!!


Hot(M)BC said...

Good point Kaze. Make him crawl n sit at home, yeah.

Chrissie said...

Yeah, I agree with everyone else who said he should either sit or crawl at home...it's your home after all, and he's your staff. Maybe he needs one of those training days or something, to teach him what you want.

Black Cat said...

I don't think he would ever hurt you on purpose dear Kaze but you are wise to stay clear when he's walking around coz beans can sometimes trip over kitties when they don't see them. I agree with the others, he should crawl on all fours when he's in the house. This would have the added bonus of making you all laugh and laugh:) xxx

P.S. I think he's a really nice, kitty-loving Tall Man though, so go on loving and purring for him:)