Playing with Myself
I do not understand how humans can be so lazy. I mean, how can they not want to play every second of every day? It boggles my mind how the Lap Lady doesn't pick the toy up when she walks by. I give her the "please play with me eyes". How can she ignore that? Well I'm tired of being Miss Nice Cat. All bets are off.
Now when I don't get attention when I want it from who I want it I climb them. Yup. Either I leap onto their back or I climb legs. This means they can not annoy me.
And in retaliation for their ignorance of play time, I am slowly unwrapping Christmas presents and dropping the wrapping paper in our water bowl. I think having to rewrap the presents is pretty good pay back don't you?
I can't agree with you anymore~!
Let's rewrap together, hahahaha~!
I am going to have to start leaping on Meowm! Good job unwrapping those presents! That will show them!
Excellent Kaze!
I think you are on the right track. Humans are here for us.
Unwrapping presents is an option?
:::Eyes Christmas tree::::
This is a great idea. I have also done some unwrapping and found my pressies.
Enjoy them!!!
I totally agree with your Kaze. It amazes me that humans don't want to constantly play with us! I meow and meow and meow and meow when I want to play, until finally one of my humans picks up a wand toy, the Whirlybird, or the red dot.
I am very impressed with your ability to unwrap Christmas presents!
Good job, Kaze! You show 'em!
Training da beans is such a chore...
Hmmm, wells i cants unwapp da pwesents cuz da mommie hasna wapped dem yets, but I culd twy dat climin ting. Iz alweady lef da markies on her paws, she needz matchink markies on her leggies. Tanks fur da gweat ideas!
You mean the LL and AW actually wrap presents with you lot around? They are either very brave or very patient...(hehe). xxx
This is a good plan. They cannot continue to ignore you if you climb their legs or leap on their backs. The unwrapping of the Christmas presents is just the icing on the cake!
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Unwrapping the presents will teach them a lesson they won't soon forget!
Hmmm Momma may find a surprise waiting for her when she gets done day hunting today. btw thats a cool looking toy!~Queen Snickers
Ha ha ha ha! Way to go, Kaze! That will show them!
hehe well done Kaze, keep unwrapping those presents!! x
I would wait until the 23rd, and then unwrap all the presents!
mine is pig-lazy you know...she pays something called Gym some money every month, she says it is a room with big play machines in it...but she never goes! what an idiot eh?
hope your meowmie is ding well...xxxx
We aren't allowed to have our purrezzunts unner the tree cuz we unwrap them. We hafn't tried putting the paper in the drinking bowl yet. Fanks furr a grate ideer.
How can they turn you down!!This time of year gets the beans all wacked out!Re-wrapping presents is a good way to get their attention.
Devilish too ;)
Purrs Mickey
Good thinking...unwrapping presents...That will show them! I hate when the humans don't want to play with me.
I'm glad you all enjoyed your secret paws! Have fun!!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Excellent - I love the idea of putting the wrapping paper in the water bowl! I already put toys there so this will work for me...
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
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