
Thursday Thirteen #23

Searches to find our blogs:

1. Best way to make a latte
2. Why do robins chirp so long
3. Explaination of bone diseases (yes, spelled like this), also bone biopsy
4. What is a meezer cat? (UK)

5. Russian image search:

6. There once was a cat who chased a rat she got stuck in the door and chased no more and now is asleep on the mat.
7. baby horse foals
8. Bekijk slechts de afbeelding (I don't even know what language this is!)
9. something in Arabic, an image search
10. awesome man

10. Tiki oriental shorthair
11. Blog shares (an odd online game that actually trades stocks in our blogs!! Latte's stock shot up really high right before the wedding. It is really weird that people do this to our blogs. If you look at the bottom of our pages you will see a link where the LL claimed our blogs.)
12. Atlantic City Images- I get this one at least once a day. Same image.....
13. skatts & siamese
14. Kaze (a UK search)
15. inflamed cat butt
16. Cat is thin but eats enough

These were just a sampling and taken on one day this week. People are odd.......


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

HI! I'm finally back! Those certainly are some strange searches! You are right, beans are weird!

Lux said...

Those searches made me chuckle!

Tara said...

Those are pretty strange!

I actually found Latte's blog by searching "Latte" and "Siamese" because I was looking for a different Siamese cat named Latte who used to be in our local shelter!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Humans are weird. It is always amusing to see how people find our blogs!

=^..^= said...

Inflammed cat butt? Hahaha! That's super funny!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Um, yeah, beans is weerd. Were dey akshooally looking fur an inflamed cat butt or how to fix one? We don't effun know how to figger out how deze weerd beans find our blog, we just know dat beans is reely weerd.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for the blogshares note. My human wasted a bit of time this morning!

Daisy said...

Those are very funny! How do you find out the search phrases?

We just found out about Blogshares recently, because we saw it on Chase's blog!

The Meezers or Billy said...

inflamed cat butt? heeeeheeee

Skeezix the Cat said...

Why DO robins cherp so lowd? It drives me NUTS!!!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Zippie and Crew have me dying with their comment! Those are some very out-in-left-field searches!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

HAHAHAHA!! People are sooo weird!!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

my mom says #8 is dutch.
I am not sure what it says... mom says something about a picture.

I wonder what a search of our names would bring.... interesting

Have a happy day

Karen Jo said...

Those are some strange search phrases. People can be really weird.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

How furry odd ... I wonder how I'd go about doin' one of those searches ...