
Break Out!

The Pink Ladies had a VERY sucessful yet dangerous mission on Friday afternoon. We all busted my special friend Mao out of prison. The ladies were so brave and we were able to distract the guard and the warden and make a get away in the fastest stroller ever!

Sadly we lost Mao as he left for a safe house and I have NO idea where he is. All I know is it MIGHT be on the East Coast and it MAY or MAY NOT have a Poang chair and Millie Bed.

In other news Latte's Cousin Zao will be staying with us for a while. He is from Thailand and is a distinguished chocolate point meezer who doesn't speak much english. He is great to snuggle with and he really likes the nip.


Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

WOW! You ladies are so brave!!! I guess I'm so new here because I don't even know why he was in prison!

Zoa sounds like an interesting guest, will we see pictures?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sure Mao will find a way to let you know where he is (cautiously)... Revolution Now!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts ~DKM

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Good job, my fellow Pink Ladies. Sorry I didn't get the word soon enough to help, but it looks like the effort was a grand success.


Karen Jo said...

I am sure that Mao will find a way to keep in touch. He shouldn't have stolen Skeezix's mail, though.

Daisy said...

That was a very fun and exciting mission!!! I hope "cousin Zao" is a good houseguest. You might ask him to phone home, because I think his brother is wondering about him.

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

OHHHHH! I think I've put together here. WOW, you girls put Charlie's Angels to shame!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

East coast huh? hmmmmmmmm

=^..^= said...

Oooh... a Thai cat! I haf a pen-cat called Luky and he is furom Vietnam. It is nice learning about another cat's culture.


Anonymous said...

Kaze that sounds so wonderful to have such a distinguished house guest!

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

just make sure you teach zeo about the red sox!!!! why you cuddling in that pogo chair and millie bed

Lilly Lu

Just Ducky said...

Congrats on the successful breakout. Do we get to see pictures of your visitor?

The M's said...

I would like to apologize for not participating in the freeing of Mao. My secretary was not available to my need to be a part of this great escape. We do hope that I wil be able to help with the next heist..hehe..Missy.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, I had no idea whut went on on Friday! I thot Mao was still in prizzin! I gess it's better that I be left in the dark in case I git interrugayted by the awthorities.