I'm a bad bad kitten.
At least that's what the Tall Man kept saying to me all weekend. I don't know why, I only scratched him and broke a lamp and some other stuff. He and I don't always get along because we are always trying to get some time with the Lap Lady and he doesn't get that she is MINE.
Meowmy made us a comfy bed this weekend. It was fun to help her sew! There were lots of strings and scissors and such.I went on my first stroller ride. I cried and cried and cried. I even stuck my little rat head and 2 paws out of a hole. That scared the Lap Lady and she says I have to wear a harness now too. We went right down to the river's edge (the stroller has breaks!). I got Latte to cry on the way back but he would just give some big screams. He seemed to like it. I think I will after I give it more of a chance.
screaming and crying is always a good fing when you're doing somefing new. just make shur that you can't jump out of the stroller, 'acause you might jump into the river by axident.
Hmm. So perhaps a kitty stroller isn't all it's cracked up to be. I like the crying and screaming part. It embarresses the humans but it does get everyone's attention.
It wasn't all that scary in the stroller 'cause Latte was with me and I heard the Lap Lady and Tall Man talking (and grandma too). I just didn't like being in the closed area. The same thing with the prision boxes.
The air smelled really good and I saw bunnies!
My Meowmy has talked about this stroller thing. I think I would like it.....I just love the outside and Meowmy doesn't let me out. Just cause I got away from her one day and she couldn't find me. Silly human.....I was nearby the whole time.....but she scooped me up when I was found and I haven't been back out since.
Kaze, we have so much in commun! I broke sumthing this weekend, too! It was a cat bowl with all kinds of kitty faces on it. I was upstares, and I saw Rocky downstairs (the Food Lady has bin making him stay inside at nite), and I got so excited, I jumped off the upstares balcony to ware Rocky was downstares, and I kind of landed by the cat bowl wich sumhow got slammed aginst the wall and broke in a hundrid peeses.
The Food Lady and Mr TF are VERY understanding, but now I git lokt in my cat bedroom at nite so I won't be tempted to jump frum upstares on top of Rocky, who is, as yoo know, a geezer cat, and cood git a hart attak frum me doing stuff like that.
I just don't unnerstand how yoo didn't absolootly ADORE the stroler frum the very ferst secund yoo sat in it!!! I bet the two of yoo made qwite a rakkit!
We do have so much in common Skeezix! The Lap Lady was pretty sure I'd put up a fight because I like to be in control and I was not in control in the stroller. I'm going to keep going out though, she says I will "get used to it".
It sucks to break things 'cause you feel bad. The Tall Man was just really annoyed because I scratched him when he tried to hold me (I really want the Lap Lady to myself). The got a newer prettier lamp from Ikea anyway.
But how are we supposed to control our excited feelings?? They lock me in the cat room sometimes too.
I don't think I'd have appreciated the stroller ride either...
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