
Thursday Thirteen #48

PB & J tagged me for the 7 things Meme. I think I've done it before but things are always changing with me so I'm going to do it as my T13 this week.

1. My shoulder surfing is coming along so well that I've started flinging myself at the LL when she least expects it. This sadly is not going well as she then nudges me off if she's busy. She says she has to be ready...pshaw!

2. My latest way to get yelled at demand what I want is to yell at the Snuggle Room door while attempting to turn the knob. If we had levers there would be no way to keep me out. As it is, I'm almost there on turning the knob.

3. I find it easy to sleep through the night when the weather is cold. This is causing the LL some back pain because she can't thrash around when I'm right next to her. For some reason the thrashing keeps her back from hurting.

4. I've had an insatiable appetite lately. I eat all of my stinky goodness and ask for more. The LL has figured out that I have seasonal eating habits. I'm giving her a break as I'm only 1 year old still so she's still just learning.

5. The heat box is MY spot. When that loud thing in the basement comes on I RUN to the heatbox and sit there while the nice hot air blows on me. Its blissful.

6. When the Tall Man gives me body massages I want to lick his hand. But not the Lap Lady, just the Tall Man. Maybe he has tasty hands?

7. The Lap Lady locked me in the human litter box room while she blew the hot air noise maker on her hair. I know I didn't want to leave but I did not want my ears to listen to that. I spent the time going from one side of the room to the other but not merfing because she couldn't hear me over the noise.

8. When I talk someone always responds. Either with "what do you want Kaze?", "No Kaze, I'm not playing with you now!", "Mooow. Meeze!" (humans trying to speak cat), or I at least get a look. I'm never ignored.

9. I spend the cold days tucked under Latte in the Millie Bed in front of the heat vent in the Living Room. I don't budge much at all.

10. I don't greet anyone when they come home from work. Chase does that and I'm far too snuggly with Latte.

11. I like to redecorate, in fact I feel it is my calling in life. Pillows should be on the floor, blankets should not be neatly folded. I'm always cleaning up this place!

12. When the LL cooks I stay out of the kitchen. There are loud noises and she moves really fast and there really is no point in getting stepped on. I do go in every 15 minutes or so, yell at her to see if she's OK, and then leave. I hear next week she's going to live in the kitchen.

13. I like pumpkin pudding. A lot. Mmmm.......Its better than yogurt! The LL will have to remember that for next time I have poo problems to give me pumpkin in pudding.


Mickey's Musings said...

Oh such great facts! We have lever handles here.Keeps Mom running as they are easy to open,and Mom forgets to lock certain rooms!Heehee! Mom does not like them,she keeps catching yer clothes on them.We find that funny to watch :)

Anonymous said...

I've never had pumpkin pudding. I'll have to ask for some.

The Meezers or Billy said...

great facts Kaze. You should try poking your mommy in the butt wif your claw of doom while she is cooking. it's fun! - Miles

Anonymous said...

Nice Thursday post! I just posted my Thursday, with a few add-ons, come on by and visit!

Have a good one!

Earl Grey said...

Good job on opening the door knob! You are so getting in the Snuggle Room. I jumped on The Mom once when she wasn't ready. It reminded her of that part in Christmas Vacation where the squirrel jumps out of the Christmas tree. Plus I bonked her on the nose. Hahahahaha!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Great list, Kaze! :) Good luck with getting that doorknob to turn. I meow loudly whenever my humans are in the kitchen. I agree with you on redecorating. My humans have given up on making the bed because I just mess things up by digging at the blankets and sheets, and burrowing under them.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, it takes three of us to do what yoo do by yoorself. Speedy loves da pumpkin pudding. He gets a teaspoon of pumpkin every nite cuz of his poo problems. Zippy always messes up the bed so mom stopped making it and I just love to open doors and lay in my heat boks.~Sadie

Unknown said...

Very interestin list, Kaze. Shoulder surfin sounds like fun.

Tybalt said...

Great list, Kaze! My sister Holly has that extra toe/thumb . . . so we are getting closer to being able to open doorknobs. I am hoping by Christmas we will have success. I am going to tell mommy about the pumpkin pudding. Ivy still has litterbox issues off and on, so this may be the answer! The whole house will be relieved if we can solve her problem.

Black Cat said...

Hahaha, great TT! Good luck with the doorknob, I know you will prevail coz you've got hands:) xxx

Daisy said...

I am very impressed that you can almost open the doors. I cannot even reach to the doorknob. I wish I was long like you!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We have often wondered why humans try to speak cat. Ours do it all the time. We don't hold what they say against them - they don't know any better!

Sassy Kat said...

This is such a great way to get to find out about my new friends. I saw that PB&J tagged you but since I tagged them maybe that means I kind of tagged you too, ha. Be sure to check out Opus & Roscoe's blog, they have written a story and are casting now, be sure to tell Latte & Chase.

Sunny's Mommy said...

I'm laughing at number one. Your LL better get used to it. If you're going to turn professional, you have to practice all the time. She needs to get with the program!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Oooo Pumpkin pudding sounds good

Boy said...

You're so wucky you're never ignored! Most of the time mine Mummy ignores mine singing! She says I never stop singing, so she's decided to just ignore me.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great list, Kaze. Though we do have to say we are safe inna kitchen cause The Big Thing allas checks where we are before he moves. After all the years, he has learned to slide his feet rather than step big like they normally do. So at worst, we might get shoved a little if we REALLY sneak up on him.

But he usually "senses" where we are. 15 years of training has paid off!