

Latte makes it seem like he's the only one who is good at flying after the whirly-bird. He's not. In fact I am MUCH better than he is because I can leap higher. Because I am super tall.

Guess what!! The Lap Lady ordered me my Halloween costume yesterday!! I am so excited I'm going to be a mermaid. My very very smart boyfriend cat Mao suggested this for me yesterday and I found a cute outfit on ebay. A few merfs and purrs to the Lap Lady and hopefully it will be here soon.


Boy said...

Oh gosh!!!! A mermaid Kaze!
I can't wait to see you in it!

Anonymous said...

A mermaid! That is a great costume. I can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

Oh Momma thought about having me be a mermaid too! But then we thought my furs would look funny in that outfit!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You are very athletic, Kaze! You certainly can jump high going after the Whirlybird.

A mermaid sounds like a wonderful costume! Can't wait to see you as a mermaid!

I also want to let you know that I have a Hallowe'en treat for you on my blog! :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh wow, you ARE big.
We hope you love the mermaid costume. That sounds really cool!

Skeeter and LC

Daisy said...

Kaze, you are a great jumper!

I can't wait to see your mermaid costume, it sounds very very cute.

The Furry Kids said...

You are a great leaper, Kaze. I can't wait to see your mermaid outfit.


Lux said...

Cute picture! I'll bet you'll be great as a mermaid, Kaze!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Kaze, you are furry svelt. You must really work out. I am a tad jealous as I am getting a tiny belly hang.

Please remember, mermaids don't have legs.....this could be a hindrance if you had to run fast. Just a warning. Can't wait to see the outfit.


Black Cat said...

Wow Kaze, you're almost as tall as your Tall Man! Can't wait to see you in the mermaid outfit - just don't try jumping when you're wearing it:)

Thanks for signing my guest book and yes, I do want to play:) xxx

Anonymous said...

That is a really good jump, Kaze!
I love to do that, too!
A mermaid! Great!! Watch out that you don't get chased by your friend cats - when they think you are a fishie to eat. He, he..

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow a mermaid!! that's awsome!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Look at you go! I can't wait to see your costume!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oooh Kaze you are going to look GORGEOUS!!!! I can't wait!!


Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...


I certainly like dat stripee tail of yours Kaze. I alwayz liked a prin-cess wit a stripee whirlin' tail. Dat iz da best I have sen in awhile.

Dr Tweety

The Furry Fighter said...

wow Kaze your outfit sounds cool. i wont wear clothes so meowmie is gonna have to do some photoshopping i fink.

i like your whirlybird moves :)

Laura W said...

What a COOL photo!
We were cruising eBay for costumes last night "just in case". I think we bookmarked a couple, but I am not sure.
I will need to get on this first thing in the morning after our coffee.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Wow! You can fly through the air, too!