
Thursday Thirteen #39

Its been a while so lets go with 13 things about my day.

1. I'm sleeping soundly under the covers on the LL's left side in her armpit when Latte walks across something paper/plastic. This gets me tossed from the room.

2. Latte and I play and then eventually fall asleep in the cat room.

3. Finally the sun rises and I sit patiently outside the snuggle room door with Latte. The LL lets us in and I purr and get a morning hug and kiss while playing with her stockings.

4. Into the bathroom I zip and leap onto the sink. I purr some more and try to convince the LL its a good idea to let me play with the faucet. She doesn't let me and instead I try to bat at her eyeliner while she pushes my paw away since she doesn't want to "go blind".

5. Downstairs we go where she promptly serves me breakfast, fills out water, and gives us crunchies. Here I decided if I want stinky goodness or I'd rather play. 8/10 times playing wins.

6. The LL goes into the living room to help us post our blogs for the day while eating her cereal. Latte hovers waiting for milk while I sit on the floor next to a squiggle and cry for her to play with me. Doesn't work.

7. There goes the metal monster! Sigh....guess I'll have to entertain myself. Lets see....are there any nice bits of "trash" to play with? Yup, there is a sliver of cardboard. Weeehhhee!

8. Nap time....where is Latte? Probably on the Gizzy quilt. Yup, lets sleep.

9. Hmm...crunchies would be tasty I'll go have some. Oh, and some water. Back to sleep.

10. Why are Chase and Latte up? The metal machine is back! I wake up slowly and the LL comes over to pet my head.

11. PLAY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does this never work? Sigh...Guess I'll just go sit on the LL's lap and purr.

12. Time for bed! The LL calls for me and I come and shove my head under the covers and assume the snuggling position.

13. Latte sits on my head. Dang him. Get offf!!!! Oh whatever, I'll just purr and sleep.


Anonymous said...

That's so sweet that Latte sits on your head! I never do that.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

What a nice overview of your day.
You are a great helper to your mommie, that is always good. and It is nice to snuggle with your brothers now and then!

Purrrrs and happy Day

The Meezers or Billy said...

you didn't get played wif? that's awful!

The Furry Kids said...

Your days are super busy. But I do think the LL could fit in more time to play with you.


Daisy said...

Kaze, your day sounds very fun! I love to play with make-ups, too.

Daisy said...

ps: Kaze! I just read where you found out you like to wear clothes. This makes me very happy and excited. I can't wait to see you in your raincoat.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You have a very busy day, Kaze. I definitely think you need more playing time, though. I'm amazed that first thing in the morning you aren't given your breakfast. I demand breakfast before my humans can do anything else once I wake them up.

Victor Tabbycat said...

I start my day by snugglin unner cover wif Mom, then lying on her when she's sposed to get up. How come the LL won't play wif you? I get some play therapy efurry day. Purrs!

Parker said...

Isn't it nice to be a happy cat? Most of my days are happy like yours. Life can be pretty cool!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sleeping unner the cuvvers is the best, but I don't fink I would like Eric sitting on my head.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Da LL shood spend some time playing wif yoo. It sounds like yoor days are furry full and bizzy what wif da napping and eating and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I know yoo like the left armpit but the right one is much more cumfterbul.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

If Baby Mao sits on my head I bunnykick him until he gets off! I like your day though, except the human should play with you 24 hours a day, of course. xx

The Furry Fighter said...

your day sounds lovely - you get up early too then? i like to disrupt veryone just before dawn - sometimes with a sick-up. then once everyone is awake i go back to bed. xxx

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Latte sat on your head! That's so funny.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Hmmmmmmm....what can we do to make the LL play with you more? I will have to think about this!

Samantha & Mom said...

What a great day Kaze! Well other than you not getting played with that is.
Your FL furiends,

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - that was a furry full day...you deserved a nap1